
Located in the Mexican state of Guanajuato, the Universidad de Guanajuato has around 33,828 students in programs ranging from high school level to doctorate level – while over 17,046 students pursue undergraduate, masters, and doctorate degrees.
There are 153 academic programs on offer, including 13 doctorates, 39 masters programs, and 65 bachelor's degrees. University schools can be found in 14 cities across the state of Guanajuato.
The university can trace its history back to the educational institution the Hospice of the Holy Trinity, established on October 1, 1732.
On August 29, 1827, the school changed its name to the College of the Immaculate Conception and fell under government responsibility. Programs available included Mining, Law, Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, and some years later in 1831, a library was established.
Over the subsequent decades, technical programs and research grew rapidly at the school. Finally, in 1945, the college changed its name to the University of Guanajuato, and the school was granted autonomy by state legislature on May 21, 1994.
Culturally, the state is best known for the annual Festival Internacional Cervantino in October. The event sponsors global artistic and cultural events. Revelers can enjoy opera, theater productions, films, art exhibitions, academic, concerts and dance recitals.